As the world shut down I found myself with more free time to work on my arts and even more time to research items that I had always been interested in.
During this time a group of individuals in the Barony of Madrone in the SCA decided to transition their once in person Athenaeum event to an online event to allow artisans a chance to still connect and provide a connection in the disconnected times.
The chance to have a goal to work towards and some sort of event that I could look forward to that would not likely get canceled when everything else was being shut down and canceled provided a bright point for me in 2020 as I created my first entry and participated in this even.
Ever a fan of themes I chose “Tools for escaping your Manor” focusing on a drinking vessel, a drink, story, and a bookbinding project with the idea that at times like we were in sometimes that is the only escape that was available.
Those of you who know me know that I am methodical, I guess is the best word. I want to start at the beginning or in one area and work till I have moved through or collected everything. In that vain I choose one of the first bound books which have been found, and then chose a drink, drinking vessel, and story which would have existed at the same time and and area (1-4th century Egypt).
As I saw the pieces come together I tried to imagine what it would have been like during that time, and when all the items were complete I sat in the hot sun to enjoy my labors as one reading the story with the book beside me and drinking my beer out of my cup. While I will never know what it was truly like during that time and place, for a moment I was able to escape my home and travel in my mind.
You can find my exhibit online here if you are interested in the process and history behind the objects shown below.