Marginalia Pottery

Marginalia Pottery

Merriam Webster dictionary describes marginalia as “Marginal notes of embellishments (as in a book)”.  The decorative marginalia (pictures/drawings) found in medieval manuscripts can vary widely from manuscript to manuscript, or even within the same manuscript.  These marginal drawings were intentionally drawn and were placed in as part of the book making process. 

These drawing varied from decorations or images ment to break of the words on the page with no relation to texts to those with layered and deeper meaning.  The images found in the margin in a single book are polysemic in that they can have several meanings, and the depictions of a single animal can signify very different things, or no meaning at all.

I started drawing marginalia on Mugs as a means to practice my painting as they vary in complexity so I could start with the easier ones and move on. They are a crowd favorite, so I have continued and even did an exhibit purely on bunnies/rabbits. As I continue to make more of these style of paintings I will add them to this page. I hope you enjoy looking at them and enjoying them for their uniqueness.


